Y2 Normal Distribution
In the second year at A-Level you will learn how to use a Normal Distribution. You need to know:
What it is and what it's properties are
When it would be appropriate to use it
To be able to calculate the probability that an event occurs given that it is normally distributed
To be able to find a value given the probability
To be able to find the mean and/or standard deviation, given one or two probability statements
To be able to perform a hypothesis test to test whether a sample has evidence that a given mean has changed
To be able to use a normal distribution to make approximations to a binomial distribution
Exam: Questions&Answers
Exam: Questions&Answers
Exam: Questions&Answers
Hypothesis Testing
Normal Approximation to Binomial
Stretch and Challenge (MADAS)
Normal: Basics
Normal: Finding Probabilities
Normal: Using Inverse
Finding Mean/Standard Deviation
Normal: Everything
This video covers all the aspects of using a calculator to work with Normal distribution, whether it is to find a probability, use inverse or finding the standard deviation or mean. It is quite long, but is worth a look if you want a full rundown of the topic.
Normal Approximation to Binomial