Y1 Vectors
Vectors have been introduced at GCSE and are extended at A-Level.
To be able to use vectors in 2 dimensions. In the second year of A-Level you will use 3 dimensions
Being able add vectors, multiply vector by scalar and work with parallel vectors
Being able to use multiple representations of vectors - arrows, as expressions in i and j and using column vectors
Being able to find and interpret the magnitude of a vector and work with unit vectors
Understanding and using position vectors and recognise the links with and differences to coordinates
Vectors are used extensively in mechanics and all of the skills used in Pure Maths need to be applied to mechanics
GCSE Recap
If you need a recap on vectors at GCSE, visit the bridging material
Sample Questions
Challenge (MADAS)
Introduction/GCSE Recap
Work through this set of videos for a full overviewMagnitude and Direction
Work through this set of videos for a full overview. You do not need to know about vectors in 3D until next year.Resultant/Unit/Parallel Vectors
1) Unit vectors
Position Vectors
Applications to problems