Y1 Statistical Measures
You need to be confident with calculating, representing and interpreting measures of Central Tendency and Variation
Central Tendency
These include Mean, Median, Mode, Quartiles and Percentiles
Variation (spread)
Measurements that show how much data is spread out are Range, Inter-Quartile Range, Standard Deviation and Variance.
A-Level questions typically will ask you to make interpretations of sets of data. This is often where marks are lot. It is not enough to be able to calculate a standard deviation from a set of data without being able to interpret the meaning of it in a particular context.
It is useful to keep 2 things in mind and to make sure that you use the EVIDENCE to make MEANING:
EVIDENCE: What values will I need to calculate and what comparisons will I make?
MEANING: What does this mean in the context of the question?
A-Level Sample Questions
Stretch and Challenge (MADAS)
This set of videos has everything you need to know.