Y2 Differentiation
In the second year at A-Level, you will be extending your knowledge of Differentiation to:
Using the Chain Rule, Product Rule and Quotient Rule to differentiate more complex expressions
Differentiate functions involving e^x and lnx
To be able to apply things you have learned in Trig to be able to differentiate functions including double angle formula, reciprocal functions.
To be able to use implicit differentiation to differentiate a function where y is not explicitly defined in terms of x
To be able to interpret a differential as a rate of change and be able to use differentials to solve real problems
To know how rates of change can be connected togetherÂ
Chain/Product/Quotient Rules
Implicit Differentiation
Connected Rates of Change
Stretch and Challenge (MADAS)
Implicit Differentiation Practice
Chain/Product/Quotient Rules
Differentiating other functions
Implicit Differentiation
ExamQ: Stationary Point
ExamQ: Find Normal
Connected Rates of Change
Differentiating from 1st Principles